Monthly Archives: September 2010

Creamy French-Style Pâté

It’s time to get serious. For the most part, I’ve been keeping things light and breezy with salads andContinue reading »

Chilled Watermelon Soup with Cucumber and Basil

It is said that watermelon seeds can impregnate you, a method that failed me, but probably only because I didn’tContinue reading »

Pimientos de Padrón

In a small town not far outside Santiago, Spain, the capital of the northwest province of Galicia and endpoint of theContinue reading »

Celery Salad with Parmesan and Toasted Walnuts

Last November, when Elinor was about a month away from her debut and unrepentantly pressing on my bladder, we hadContinue reading »

Simple Beet Soup (Cool or Warm)

Today I read that mothering is inherited. How one mothers descends three generations, unless a significant eventContinue reading »